Authored by Arthur Dong ( and Darren Mayberry (darren.mayberry@anjielaw.comat AnJie Law Firm

As discussed in the first post in our series, the Chinese arbitration system has matured over the last several years. Foreign parties should favor arbitration clauses in their China deals. Even so, this brings us to yet another question. Should a dispute resolution clause for a China-centered contract select a China-based institution to host the arbitration? Or should a non-Chinese party instead take refuge with regional offshore powerhouse institutions?

Answers will of course vary according to the contemplated contract’s particular circumstances. Nonetheless, Chinese arbitration institutions offer two clear advantages. Chinese courts will facilitate China’s institutional interim measure requests. Also, Chinese institutions offer international service without the cost premium. We explore how these advantages each can impact a dispute. We book-end the advantages with reassurances that Chinese institutions offer truly international arbitration. 

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