Zhan Hao, Song Ying and Wu Yuanyuan

Against the backdrop of China-US trade friction, the event that Qualcomm/NXP deal’s abortion due to the holding of China’s antitrust authority to give the green light, has raised most attention and interest ever from people on China’s merger review practice, particularly on situations when it comes to chips industry. This article is not intended to comment on the potential political influence or industry concerns behind this event, which has been masticated in a bunch of articles and media report. The authors would rather to comb and comment on those major cases of chip industry approved by the former Ministry of Commerce (MOFCOM) and the current State Administration for Market Regulation (SAMR) with imposition of remedies so far, to the end to help readers have a better understanding of the merger review practice in China of this industry.

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Authored by Zhan Hao <zhanhao@anjielaw.com> , Song Ying <songying@anjielaw.com>, Wu Yuanyuan <wuyuanyuan@anjielaw.com> at  AnJie Law Firm