Ren Gulong and Yang Anshu

With the further opening-up of China’s financial market and the continuous progress of the internationalization of Renminbi in recent years, more and more foreign entities choose to issue renminbi-dominated bonds in mainland China (for the purpose of this article, excluding Hong Kong, Taiwan and Macao). In accordance with international

Ren Gulong and Zhang Jiaqi

In mid-February, the European Commission adopted its new list of 23 high-risk countries for money laundering. As a result of the listing, banks and other entities covered by the European Union anti-money laundering rules will be required to apply increased checks on financial operations involving customers and financial institutions from

Ren Gulong and Zhang Jiaqi


As China’s economic growth slows down, non-performing loans (“NPLs”) continues to rise. According to the regulatory indicators released by the China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission (“CBRC”), the balance of commercial banks’ NPLs reached RMB 2.03 trillion by the end of the

Authored by Ren Gulong ( ,Zhang Yuan(,Yang Anshu(,  Wen Xianglai( & Hu Jianan( at AnJie Law Firm

On 19th March 2018, the People’s Bank of China (PBOC) published the Notice of People’s Bank of China No.7 [2018] (the “Notice”), which removes restriction on payment services provided by foreign-invested payment institutions and sets up the rules

Authored by Ren Gulong ( & Zhang Yuan( at AnJie Law Firm

On 18 March 2018, China’s lawmaker, the National People’s Congress approved a reform plan for the institutional organizations of the State Council, China’s top administrative authority (the "Reform"). Among various substantial restructuring of governmental departments, one of the key part is the restructuring

Authored by Ren Gulong ( at AnJie Law Firm

After several months’ consultation, State Administration of Foreign Exchange (SAFE) released a Foreign Exchange Rules On Administration Of Cross-border Security (the “Cross-border Security Rules”) on 19 May, which will become effective on 1 June 2014.  The Cross-border Security Rules will dramatically relax regulations on Cross-border Security by removing all up-front approvals to the effect that FX/RMB will be fully convertible in respect of Cross-border Security.Continue Reading Reforms of Foreign Exchange Rules on Cross-border Security